Sellers Not the best time in real estate By far, the past couple of years has been some of the worst times in real estate. The pandemic forced people to stay in their homes, and stay they did! The number of listings is the lowest it has been in many years. With interest rates incredibly low and many people wanting to get into […]
General Who has “the file” on your house? A colleague of mine shared a story the other day that I thought was too good not to write about. It is about a trick that a realtor used to secure the future sale of a home. Even more surprising is that the trick used resulted in my colleague’s own family member using a different […]
Buyers Dates and times in contracts How important are the dates and times in a real estate contract? When you are going through the process of buying or selling a house, the dates and times that are listed in your agreements are very important. You must pay close attention to them. There is no wiggle room and you could easily lose […]
Winter Selling Tips If you haven’t noticed by now, Sudbury now has a lot of snow on the ground. We have been fortunate this year with the snow coming a little later than last year. Now that it is here, there are some important things to consider when buying and selling homes.   There was a horrific story […]
Sellers When is the best time to sell? We get asked this question a lot. The answer is a lot simpler than you might be expecting.   Everyday I see articles in the big papers about real estate. The newspapers job is to get people to read their articles. More eyes on their articles, the more they can charge for advertising. So they […]
Buyers How do real estate agents get paid? There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation out there around how a real estate agent is paid. Hopefully this blog post will clear that up.   First off, real estate agents are 100% commission based. They do not get a salary or a weekly pay cheque. The only time they are paid […]
Finances Deposit vs Down Payment The deposit is different from a down payment. Often buyers get these two items mixed up or confused. A down payment is at least 5% of the purchase price, sometimes 20% or more depending on how you want the transaction to go and if you want or need to pay for mortgage insurance. The down […]
Canadian Mortgage App Before you start looking to buy a home, it is best to have your finances in order so you know the price range to look in. A pre-approval with your mortgage agent is always a good idea. If you want to know what your monthly costs, land transfer fees, rebates and closing costs might be, […]
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